Kan niet, bestaat niet!
Blijf denken in oplossingen, niet in problemen..
Ben je wat neerslachtig? Voel je je niet zo happy? Bij dit stuk van Jochem Meijer kun je niets anders dan lachen! Herhaal het filmpje totdat je je helemaal top voelt!
Your site has some commonly used modules already preconfigured. These include:
Each of these modules has many options which you can experiment with in the Module Manager in your site Administrator. When you are logged in you can also select the edit icon in the top right corner which will take you to an edit screen for that module. Always be sure to save and close any module you edit.
Joomla! also includes many other modules you can incorporate in your site. As you develop your site you may want to add more modules that you can find at the Joomla Extensions Directory.